McIntosh MT5 Precision Turntable

XL_MT5_AngleYou are a consumer with class, the shopper who prefers a touch of classic sound in their everyday life. So why not bring your records’ sound waves up to modern day quality? The McIntosh MT5 Precision Turntable can do precisely that. With each component developed to meet the standards of any McIntosh enthusiast, the MT5 delivers extraordinary sound with a high performance platter, tone arm, motor drive assembly and high output coil cartridge that is suitable for moving magnetic inputs. Beyond the breathtaking performance, its green illumination, McIntosh’s signature color, makes it a fantastic conversation piece. World renowned magazines, such as Rolling Stone, have talked about the MT5, calling it,“The Turntable of the Gods.” The duPont REGISTRY praises it for being a wonderfully innovative piece that delivers high quality tunes in a unique style and brings back the classic music we’ve always loved. You can order yours here for only $6,500, and don’t worry; it’s compatible with almost any McIntosh stereo system, so you won’t have to start from scratch. Buy it here. (Promotional photos courtesy of

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