Contemporary dance in the Louvre with Damien Jalet last friday : I was there !

ParisDeluxe&Arty Blog –

I love when History meets Contemporary. I’m against partitioning systems in Art and  bridges between past and present have always existed. I do think Paris is the ideal place for this special meeting, especially the Louvre, still today ! Wim Delvoye showed it last summer brilliantly for instance. The Louvre has developped for some years now another  great idea besides temporary contemporary exhibitions :  an ephemeral experience  is offered to a choreographer , by performing one night in the museum’s rooms ! A first glance we could say Dance is the art of present in opposition to the eternity enbodied by work of art…That’s why the allince of both and the experience of attending a dance spectacle in the middle of the works and fabulous architecture of the Louvre is SO unique  !  After you lived it , you just wanted to say at loud : again ! I can tell you all the audience last friday had the feeling to participate to somethig very special and moving.

danseLvre2  DJ

Moreover some dancers were accompanied by live musicians and singers. I particularly appreciated Winter Family performance and the singer in Khorsbad . The topics chosen echoed totally the sculptures in Richelieu wing in the splendid Marly and Puget courtyards  : mythologie with Acteon drama , frenzied wild nymphs , the primoridal couple… I attended a fantastic final in Khorsabad courtyard ( image on right), under the protection of Lamassu-winged genius with 5 legs, a bull body ad human’s head- from 8th century BC.

Thanks to Domoina, Art concierge in  Royal Monceau, who  recommended me this  magic night the Louvre !

(c) ParisDeluxe&Arty Blog – Read entire story here.