Ritzy Therapy, the best remedy for blue monday in January !

How to avoid this usual january blues, especially  after fabulous december’s holidays and great new year’s eve party, looking like a vague memory today…;-)

Ritzy Therapy is my prescription ! How about to start with a massage in Coco Chanel spa, the most refined and stylish spa in the capital ? Among the many sophisticated details you’ll enjoy during your session , please note Colin Field-the legendary Hemingway Bar’s MC- had developed some magic healthy mix just for you, according to the cares you will receive.  Spices, essential oils, plants infusion…will prepare your body deeply meanwhile you will listening to jazz or classic. Heaven on earth !!

Then a nap by the gorgeous swimming pool where you can also lunch or sip delicious smoothies :


When hotels guests will arrive around 5 pm, it’s the perfect moment to leave this enchanted place for a lovely and delicious high tea in salon Proust …Just memorable…


Then it ‘s already  7.30 pm, time to move to mythic Hemingway Bar. Let the charm and …cocktails act !

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With this Rizty prescription, you will simply love january and its blue monday ! 😉


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