Artists You Have to Pay Attention to at the Venice Biennale 2024

The Venice Biennale is one of the most discussed events in the art world. It is a huge international contemporary art exhibition that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. The national pavilions are always a highly anticipated part of the show. As the 60th edition of the event approaches, let’s talk about the amazing artists who will be representing their countries at the Venice Biennale 2024.

Five Artists You Have to Pay Attention to at the Venice Biennale 2024

Kapwani Kiwanga (Canada)

Kapwani Kiwanga is a Canadian artist based in Paris, France, who is known for her larger-than-life abstract works. One of the distinguishing features of Kiwanga’s style is a unique mix of fibers, glass, ceramics, steel, plants, video, and other media the artist uses to create unusual out-of-this-world pieces. Her art series made of furry white sculptures from sisal reflects her innovative perspective. Kapwani Kiwanga applies research-based practices to her creative process, which allows her to explore the history and political issues.

Edith Karlson (Estonia)

Edith Karlson, an installation artist and sculptor from Tallinn, will represent Estonia at the Venice Biennale 2024. Karlson creates sculptures resembling humans and animals at the same time. Her alien-looking fictional characters become a tool for the exploration of humanity and the world around us. While clay is her primary medium, Karlson’s use of light and space plays a significant role in how she presents her work.

Julien Creuzet (France)

Julien Creuzet is a French artist and poet whose Caribbean heritage can be traced through all his pieces. His body of work includes musical performances, video art, poetry, and sculpture. One of his most famous exhibits is a series of colorful hanging sculptures, followed by thematically interconnected poems. In his art, Creuzet often uses unorthodox mediums, such as electrical wiring, dried plants, seashells, and even rice.

Pia Lindman, Vidha Saumya, Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimonen (Finland)

This year, Finland will be represented by a collective of three multidisciplinary artists. Pia Lindman works in video art, drawing, and performance. Vidha Saumya is a poet and artist who makes sculptures, murals, embroidery, and calligraphic drawings. Jenni-Juulia Wallinheimo-Heimonen creates conceptual artworks from textiles and is an activist for disabled people.

Koo Jeong A (South Korea)

Koo Jeong A from South Korea will join the Venice Biennale with a project titled “Odorama Cities.” Her work often features ephemeral “mediums” and aims to involve the senses of the audience. “Odorama Cities” will bring an immersive sensory experience with scents and temperatures representing the artist’s homeland to the Korean Pavilion.

The Venice Biennale 2024 has a very promising lineup of artists so far. Next April, the world will see exactly what they have prepared.

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