Summer With Ringana #Ad – A Little Luxury For Me

Recently I heard about RINGANA, a pioneering Austrian company in the natural skin care and food supplements industry. RINGANA was founded in 1996 and now employs over 500 people. The cornerstones of RINGANA’s success are: freshness, efficacy and sustainability. The products are vegan and contain no artificial preservatives or additives. They are manufactured at RINGANA’s new facility in St. Johann in der Haide and are shipped from there to international customers in 34 countries.

Earlier in the ‘summer’ they contacted me and asked if I would like to try out some of their products.  I was keen to try them because I loved the idea of the freshness and sustainability of the products (also Austria is one of my favourite countries, so that was a factor too). I tried out their FRESH sunscreen SPF 50.  The idea behind the product is to provide an extra serving of sun protection to exposed parts of the body which are particularly vulnerable to the sun –  such as the nose, ears, back of the neck and shoulders. It’s also formulated to tie in with FRESH sunscreen SPF 50 as a perfect complement to FRESH sunscreen SPF 20.

The water-in-oil emulsion provides instant protection against harmful UVA & UVB rays, sunburn and premature ageing, and it relies on natural, mineral sun protection filters – zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Seasonally limited FRESH sunscreen SPF 50 is entirely free of microplastic and synthetic UV filters. This nano-free, waterproof suncream contains an effective natural antioxidant complex based on karanja oil, aloe vera and oat extract which also strengthens the skin barrier and regenerates. Aloe vera, ectoin and bisabolol soothe inflamed skin, and relieve mild redness and irritation.

I actually used it as an all over sunscreen rather than just focusing on vulnerable areas.  It has a thicker consistency than many sunscreens, but that means it’s easier to know where you have applied it.  It goes on surprisingly easy despite the thicker consistency and I felt confident that I’d got a good application.  It seemed to work well.  There sadly haven’t been that many chances to really put it to the test this year, but I haven’t got burnt and my skin feels good when I’m using it and afterwards.  It has a pleasant smell


ringana fresh light legsA blast of freshness for tired legs: FRESH light legs

Lots of people suffer more from heavy legs when the weather warms up, but this may also be a problem after a hike, or after standing or sitting for a long time at work. Thanks to powerful magnesium salt, Ringana’s new FRESH light legs is formulated to relieve water retention instantly, making tired legs, ankles and feet feel lighter. Plant extracts from horse chestnut and cypress stimulate microcirculation, and this in turn boosts circulation. Mint and ginger deliver instant refreshment, while Porphyridium cruentum alga reduces swelling and skin irritation. This revitalising spray has a relaxing effect, and noticeably soothes the leg muscles.

My legs are generally quite robust and don’t get tired easily – must be all those lengths in the pool.  But, I tried FRESH light legs out after a particularly long day of walking, including quite a few hills.  My legs were very grateful and I did feel reinvigorated and up for a night out (albeit a fairly relaxed one) afterwards.

RINGANA are a very interesting brand and are clearly delivering effective, sustainable products.  I think I’ll be trying them again in the future.

Disclosure: I received products to test for the purposes of this review.

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