Sharpening The Mind With RINGANA #Ad

For a while now I’ve been struggling a little with mental clarity – maybe it’s something to do with the menopause because it wasn’t a feature of my younger days.  Some days I find it difficult to concentrate at all, but most of the time I can concentrate for a while, but quickly get ‘burnt out’ for the day.  Taking a break for a while during the day helps, but I find that every time I go back to work, I can do a little less before I hit the wall again.  I wasn’t sure what to do about it.  Trying to work through it didn’t seem to work as I just got less and less productive.  But, taking a longer break didn’t seem to be the answer either and work just piled up in the interim.

So when RINGANA suggested I try some of their supplements, unsurprisingly I was taken by the idea of their CAPS Beauty & Hair product as I thought it might be useful.

CAPS cerebro for better memory

CAPS Cerebro is formulated to enhance learning and memory capabilities while supporting cognitive functions like retention. Bio-active micronutrients heighten sensory acuity, providing assistance during periods of heightened mental exertion.  I love the idea that anyone suffering from a loss of memory or a lack of concentration during menopause can achieve improvements with food supplements.  It’s difficult to maintain an optimal diet at all times, so we all need a little help.

I’ve been taking CAPS Cerebro for some weeks now and I have noticed a definite improvement.  I’ve been able to stop work because I’ve run out of time to do it in rather than because my brain is saying no.  This hasn’t been every day, but it has been some days rather than never like it was before.  I do feel I’ve had good results from taking the supplements.

CAPS beauty & hair for beautiful, full hair

CAPS Beauty & Hair In instances of genetic-hormonal or androgenetic hair loss, the culprit is the body’s own hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When DHT levels become imbalanced, it hinders hair production. In women, this often occurs when oestrogen levels fluctuate, such as during menopause. In women, the noticeable effect is primarily thinning hair on the top of the head. CAPS Beauty & Hair ingredients enhance the appearance of hair, strengthen tissue, fortify nails, and, notably during menopause, promote fullness and resilience in hair through the inclusion of an extract of cell cultures from Ajuga reptans (bugleherb) and apple fruit extract.

Now I don’t have thinning hair, but I do have much thinner hair than I used to as a teenager and young adult.  I can’t easily wear my hair with a hair clip any more as it seems to slide off because there isn’t the volume to grip.  I’m hoping that CAPS Beauty & Hair will help thicken up and enhance the volume of my hair.  It’s a bit early to tell if it’s working yet (hair grows at 0.35mm a day), but the capsules are easy and pleasant to take.

Greater overall well-being with CAPS fem

CAPS fem

CAPS Fem serve as ideal daily companions for women, offering effective solutions for challenges of all magnitudes. The key lies in the incorporation of highly potent natural ingredients:

  • Damiana, renowned as a natural aphrodisiac since Mayan times, provides a subtle boost to female sexuality through its extract.
  • Pine bark extract proves to be an all-encompassing contributor to women’s health, addressing various phases of life. Its impacts on menstruation and menopause have been extensively studied.
  • The new formulation boasts an increased amount of shatavari root extract, a truly versatile element for every stage of life. It significantly enhances overall well-being, particularly during menopause.

I’m looking forward to trying out CAPS Fem  – I didn’t want to try too many supplements at once because I wanted to separate out the results.  I think this could be very useful to me.

RINGANA’s product range with its radically effective ingredients that can support general well-being and/or relieve various symptoms is ideal for anyone wanting to offset the effects of the menopause or simply rebalance their bodies.  I also love the packaging – the cute little tins with pastel coloured labels are pretty as well as practical.

Established in 1996, RINGANA stands as a trailblazing Austrian company within the fresh skincare and food supplements sector.  The pillars of RINGANA’s triumph rest on freshness, effectiveness, and sustainability. All products are vegan, devoid of artificial preservatives or additives. Manufactured at RINGANA’s state-of-the-art facility in St. Johann in der Haide, they are dispatched to customers in 34 countries worldwide.

Disclosure: I was provided with supplements for the purposes of this review.

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