Wi-Fi That’s Sky High: Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines just announced it will be joining Lufthansa by offering in-flight high-speed Internet access, plus four channels of live television.

At most high-level hotel chains, this service is free. For this airline, it will kick off in 2006 on flights along the airline’s Singapore-Frankfurt-JFK route and will be a bit pricey — yet Singapore will be less costly than Lufthansa.

Singapore Airlines will charge $14.95 for up to three hours, $19.95 for up to six, $29.95 for six or more. Or pay-as-you-go: $7.95 for 30 minutes and a quarter per minute after that.

At Lufthansa, the service costs between $19.95 and $29.95 for long-haul flights or $9.95 for the first 30 minutes and $.25 for every minute thereafter.

Via our fellow bloggers at blog.travelpost.com.

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