Glitch Art Brazil and Platform 101 Have Released a New E-Book

Platform 101, an independent digital art institution from Iran, is not only popularizing video art but also pushing the perceived limitations of the genre on an unprecedented scale. Together with, a glitch art platform from Brazil, they are actively creating a global community of artists who are revolutionizing the current artistic landscape through digital mediums., in collaboration with Platform 101, has just released a new e-book dedicated to the 2023 edition of the International Online Exhibition featuring ten artists from Iran.

Glitch Art Brazil and Platform 101 Have Released a New E-Book is a Brazilian digital platform that was created by the multidisciplinary artist Cleber Gazana with the goal of promoting glitch art and fostering a community of creatives inspired by its philosophy and aesthetics.

Platform 101’s latest project, which has become part of the new e-book released by, presents artworks merging fractal video art and glitch aesthetics. Combining geometry and mythology, Platform 101 artists uncover the secrets of the world, from the creation of the universe to humanity’s place in it. The selection of featured artists was curated by the founder of Platform 101, Mohammad Ali Famori, who also contributed his piece to the exhibition.

Platform 101 Artists for

Glitch Art Brazil and Platform 101 Have Released a New E-BookArash Masoom’s video art piece titled “Metatron” is an exploration of one of the central concepts in sacred geometry, the Metatron’s cube.

“Chaotic Paradise” by Arezou Ramezani problematizes the inherent duality of our existence, inspired by mathematical theories and religious allegories.

Mohammad Abdollahzade’s “ANARCHY” is rooted in Hegel’s philosophy and explores the stages of cultural development.

Nima Mansoury delves into the depths of what it means to be human in the modern digital age in his video artwork titled “Distressed Reflection.”

Niloufar Baniasadi merges his cultural background and experience as a carpet designer and digital artist, creating a piece inspired by contemporary media and traditional crafts.

Reza Famori focuses on mythology and the circular nature of creation and destruction.

Sadegh Majlesi offers a perspective on the future of the world as technology rapidly advances.

Shiva Tabar and Yasamin Asgharizadeh utilize their multidisciplinary skills to create art that views consciousness as an “ordered chaos.”

Finally, as the founder of Platform 101, Mohammad Ali Famori presents “Merkabah” (a term borrowed from early Jewish mysticism), an artwork that serves as the semiotic and narrative center of this entire section.

Take your time to check out the e-book to learn more about Platform 101,, and their unique collaborative project.

Photo courtesy of Platform 101

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