A New Exhibition of Figurative Art at Culturally Arts Collective

One of the biggest differences between the people who lived centuries ago and us, modern-day individuals, is that our lives are extensively documented. We have limitless possibilities to record everything that is happening around us. The ubiquitous availability of cameras, phones, and social media allows us to forever preserve our likeness via photographs, videos, sound recordings, and text. It is impossible to deny that the technological changes of the past several decades have changed the way we view ourselves. “Interiority,” a new figurative art exhibition at Culturally Arts Collective, explores the pending issue of self-perception and self-presentation in the modern world.

“Interiority,” a New Exhibition of Figurative Art at Culturally Arts Collective

Culturally Arts Collective is an online gallery that has made it its mission to platform underrepresented perspectives and use its space to foster innovation in the art world. Considering the nature of the gallery, it is difficult to imagine an organization better suited to explore the intersection of modern technology and artistic self-representation. In a world filled with photographs and recordings of even the smallest moments of our lives, one might struggle to find a truly unique way to portray themselves. And yet, the artists featured in “Interiority” have managed to create figurative artworks that showcase their distinctive experiences.

A New Exhibition of Figurative Art at Culturally Arts Collective

While portraiture was chosen as the central genre of the exhibition, it would be an oversimplification to say that all featured pieces fit into this category. From scenic collages and black-and-white photographs to otherworldly doll-like creatures and digitally created abstract splashes and blobs of color and texture, the selection of figurative art in “Interiority” varies in mediums, genres, and perspectives. However, no matter how different these pieces are, all of them are unified by their shared incentive to capture the inner workings of the mind and create a space for introspection.

“Interiority” features 15 artists from around the world. These include Siddharta Katragadda, Sara Di Donato, Yooyeon Nam, Julia Lambright, Chase Iech, Brynne Rardin, Ziyue Tang, Anna Mays, Abby Wang, Sandra Cavanagh, Ann-Marie Brown, Rei Torlak, Brooke Ripley, Hattie Phillips, and Kimberly Nguyen. The exhibition is on view at Culturally Arts Collective’s virtual 360-degree gallery space, Milotska Center of Exhibitions, through July 31, 2024. Don’t miss a chance to visit this unique digital show.

Photo courtesy of Culturally Arts Collective

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