A lovely fast getaway when stuck in Paris in august ? Versailles !

Tired to see all the trendiest bistrots and boutiques- without speaking of yummy bakeries and small groceries- closed until the end of the month, and too hot in town to enjoy  Tuileries or Luxembourg garden ? Then it’s the perfect timing to go green ! The ideal summer retreat 20 minutes far from Paris is … Versailles !  Did you know it Well,  Trianon Palace hotel is so sure about this  that they propose during summer a free shuttle service from the Arch of Triumph to the Hotel in Versailles, located just next to the legendary park.

The hotel has also his own pleasant garden with nice terrasses, a great swimming pool and the restaurant is run by Gordon Ramsay (the gastronomic restaurant is closed for holidays now but delicious Veranda restaurant is open). All of these give you excellent reasons to take 3 days off for    visiting, at your own rythm, the castle, the gardens, the estate of Marie-Antoinette like we did last week and to relax in fabulous surroundings 😉


I loved our room (number 126) with nice views on the greenery, even on the bathroom !

Vers1        Vers4

I would suggest to arrive on friday  and start with a walk in the Domaine (real estate) of Marie-Antoinette including first Petit Trianon, commissioned originally by Louis XIV  for his famous mistress Madame de Pompadour,  built in neoclassical style by the architect Gabriel and achieved in 1768. Then you can reach from there my favorite part of Versailles gardens : the Hamlet of Marie-Antoinette commissioned in 1783.  It looks like a small french village from Normandy with rustic style country houses for the queen and her personal selected guests. It’s a little bit Marie- Antoinette Simple Life mood but soooo picturesque !


There is also a lake with swans and carp fishes, and a small tower of observation called Malborough tower from a popular song at this time. The perfect postcard as you can see below !


You can walk after to the farm and see the rabbits, peacocks, chickens, goats, aries and pigs , without forgetting the cute donkeys :


Then you can go back to the hotel and enjoy sunbathing by the pool 🙂


I would suggest a romantic diner on the Veranda terrasse in the evening to admire the sun set and they have a fabulous diet menu with these exquisite pasta as main course :


On saturday you can visit early in the morning the castle.  Don’t miss Olafur Eliasson’s fantastic and dazzling installations :


At 11 am rush in the gardens to admire the magical spectacle of Great Waters (Grandes Eaux). Versailles gardens with fountains working and baroque music in the background  is a unique experience in summer, just memorable !




I do recommend to hire golf cars to explore the bushes and coppices, full of surprises and visual delights,  you will enjoy then totally  the pure beauty of the french style gardens, created by Le Nôtre,  THE garden designer  of the famous sunking,  Louis XIV.

After a light  lunch by the Grand Canal a boat ride can be fun, or hire bicycle if you want to go to Grand Trianon, located just next to Petit Trianon visited the first day.

Check before you go to Versailles, if  there is any night spectacle on saturday evening  and book if so ! You’ll have sparkles in your eyes, like a  kid,  for the final with the fireworks around midnight next to Grand Canal 😉

On sunday you can take advantage of the hotel pool and relax in the spa or go back to the park to see some spots you didn’t have time to explore the days before !  You can even book a driver to go to Giverny and visit Monet house, 1 hour far from Versailles 😉

We can also go to Versailles together, just for the day (and no waiting line there with    me !) I will give you a private tour of the castle and gardens 😉 Send me a request by mail to know my fees (amuraro@sfr.fr) if you’re interested.

I invite you now to visit my Instagram account (parisdeluxearty) to see more images of Versailles if you wish  !

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