Fiesta del Asado New Summer Menu

A Little Luxury For Me –

The Edgbaston branch of Fiesta del Asado has been a favourite of mine since it opened a few years ago and I’ve eaten there on a number of occasions.  I’d heard that Fiesta del Asado had opened a new restaurant in Solihull and I was keen to see the new restaurant.  As luck would have it was was invited along to try out the new summer menu and experience a Gaucho Feast whilst listening to live latin music in the shape of Sonrisa.

fiesta del asado shirley

Fiesta del Asado, Solilhull has a much different feel to the Edgbaston restaurant it’s much bigger and the bar does dominate the room.  It might lack a bit of intimacy, but it is certainly a place that you could spend the whole evening as it’s very natural to have a cocktail and then a meal, or to start by eating and then enjoy a leisurely drink afterwards.  There are still quiet corners where you can tuck yourself away for a romantic meal, plus the sound from the bar and the music isn’t so loud as to detract from conversation.


We started off proceedings with the fabulous Patata Focaccia.  I could have ate this all night in honesty, but was very aware that I needed to leave room for the treats to come.  It’s a freshly-baked focaccia topped with thinly-sliced potato, and served with smooth tomato dip. Just very moreish.


We also got to sample the empanadas.  Empanadas are an Argentine pastry dish that are often served at parties, so they seem perfect for the Fiesta del Asado menu.  Traditionally they are are served with a range of different fillings and can come in variety of shapes.  On offer at Fiesta del Asado are the Beef Empanada (which speaks for itself) and the Spinach and Cheese Empanada, filled with spinach and provolone cheese.


The centrepiece for the evening was the Gauchos Feast: a juicy selection of meats with a 10oz flat iron steak,a 8oz pork flank steak, a 4oz rump cap steak, morcilla and chistorra sausages, chicken wings, chimichurri and malbec sauces.  It’s intended as a meal to be shared and I think you’d need to do that with this much meat.  It’s a great way to sample a number of different cuts and really get an insight into Argentianian cuisine.  It’s also good to know that Fiesta del Asado only use premium, naturally reared, ethically farmed meat.


To ring the changes we had some fish too and for me this was one of the hightlights of the evening.  The Sea Bass Parilla is exceptionally tasty.  The dish features whole char-grilled sea bass with crisp garlic and thyme potato, with fresh dressed peppers, onions and fine tomatoes.


To round off the meal we finished with a plate of Churros which are perfect for sharing and they come with a moreish hot chocolate dipping sauce.

It was a wonderful evening that had a very latin feel with the food and the music working together perfectly.  If you want to experience a slice of South America, then a visit to Fiesta del Asado would be just the thing.

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