Jackson Pollock Studio Floor Will Be Part of an NFT Collection

A floor can also be art, especially if it is in the studio of a great artist. Jackson Pollock’s artfully paint-splattered floor will soon become part of an NFT collection. Aiming to make art history accessible to a larger audience, the Jackson Pollock Studio has collaborated with Web3 art collective Iconic Moments to digitize its artifacts, including the famous floor. Those who wish to own a piece of Pollock’s legacy will receive a museum-quality print to go with the NFT.

Jackson Pollock Studio Floor Will Be Part of an NFT Collection

The stories of conservators finding artwork hidden under the layers of paint and dirt are quite common, but a studio floor becoming a piece of art itself is certainly a unique case. Instead of the traditional way of propping up a canvas on an easel, Pollock opted for placing his works-in-progress on the floor. The abstract expressionist artist famously used a technique that consisted of pouring and splashing paint. A lot of it ended up staining the floor and creating a beautiful mess. Now, it is regarded as one of the most precious treasures in the collection of the Jackson Pollock Studio, an organization responsible for the conservation of Pollock’s body of work. The wood flooring remained preserved under tile since 1953 and was uncovered in 1987, revealing identifiable traces of the master’s most notable pieces.

Of course, a floor is not something that can be exhibited easily. The Jackson Pollock Studio came up with a modern solution to the problem and decided to create an NFT collection titled “Beyond the Edge.” It will feature four high-resolution pictures of the floor, all from different perspectives. Each of the photos was shot with a specialized camera that managed to capture each drop in detail. There will be a hundred of each NFT available for collectors to purchase for .8 ETH $1,500.

The collaboration project between the Jackson Pollock Studio and Iconic Moments will also include a puzzle, “The Pollock Enigma.” Those who complete it will be gifted fine art prints and NFTs. Limited-edition pieces by contemporary digital artists will be added to the collection this August. The money raised from the sale will go toward supporting the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center and funding their conservation work.

Seeing the newest technology being used to preserve art and culture feels like witnessing a historical moment. It is exciting to think about the future possibilities of art digitization and how they might change the way we interact with artwork.

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