New Exhibition of Andrew Litten’s Art at JD Malat Gallery

On March 9, London-based JD Malat Gallery is opening a new exhibition titled “Connect.” It will feature the latest series of expressive paintings by Andrew Litten, a well-established English artist, whose art has been displayed in many notable venues across the world, including Tate Modern and the Venice Biennale. Litten’s second solo exhibition at JD Malat Gallery will once again present the artist’s diverse talents and unique artistic vision.

Connect: New Exhibition of Andrew Litten’s Art at JD Malat Gallery

Connect: New Exhibition of Andrew Litten’s Art at JD Malat GalleryAt the very beginning of his career, Andrew Litten refused to take the conventional path. He felt that the education his art school offered was too rigid and formal for him. Under the influence of Edward Munch, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, and other expressionist artists, Litten managed to find his original artistic touch. In his art, he merges the features that are commonly associated with Expressionism and his own, unique style. Andrew Litten is now known as a talented self-taught artist who is not afraid to play with bold colors and different media.

A lot of Litten’s works are figurative. One may guess the outlines of the human form in his paintings, which often border on the thin line between the familiar and the abstract. The artist masterfully uses the stylistic tools common to Expressionism to capture ephemeral experiences. He likes to focus on human emotions and molds them into recognizable shapes without making his subjects too specific. It seems that for Andrew Litten, it is important to tap into the part of the human conscience that triggers recognition and empathy. He seeks to authentically portray emotions that everyone has felt at least once.

Litten’s new exhibition “Connect” features figurative portraits and still-life paintings, as well as a life-sized bronze sculpture. His works, even those that have no humans in them at all, evoke a deep emotional response from the viewers. Animalistic themes are also part of the exhibition. They can be explored in the paintings titled “Boy and Horse,” “True Nature,” and “Nurture.” The artist’s sensitive approach to art is felt in every work, which makes “Connect” a must-visit show for connoisseurs of contemporary expressionist art.

The latest series of Andrew Litten’s paintings will be on display at JD Malat Gallery, 30 Davies Street, Mayfair, London, from Mach 9 to April 8. Do not miss a chance to see this wonderful new exhibition with your own eyes!

Photo courtesy of JD Malat Gallery

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