Regenerative Algae Pastas : Spirulina Spaghetti,

Felicia’s Spirulina Spaghetti is a colorful, nutritious and natural pasta alternative cultivated entirely from organic agriculture.

With its 10 nutritious and sustainably made pasta alternatives, Felicia is committed to bringing a “Colorfood Revolution” to North America. The brand made its debut at Natural Products Expo West 2024, showcasing other all-natural, allergen-free pasta alternatives that share the nutritional benefits of legumes, superfoods and whole grains like brown rice, buckwheat and oats. At the event, Felicia’s is offering a vibrant pasta bar and on-site cooking activations to share products and creative recipes from chef Massimo Buono.

One product at a time, Felicia is helping consumers reshape their perceptions of Italian eating. “With Felicia, people can have more pasta, more often,” says Carlo Stocco, president of Andriani USA Benefit Corporation.

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