Review: Emsculpt at Dermoperfection #Ad

A few months ago I told you about EMSCULPT at Dermoperfection. Even after a trial session, I was able to notice a difference to the strength of my core muscles when I did my regular swimming sessions.  So I was keen to see what results I would get with a full course of EMSCULPT at Dermoperfection.


EMSCULPT is a non-invasive technology that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate muscle contractions, which leads to increased muscle tone and strength. This technology was first introduced in 2018 and has quickly gained popularity as a non-surgical alternative to traditional body contouring procedures.

During an EMSCULPT treatment, a special device is used to deliver electromagnetic energy to targeted areas of the body, such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms, or thighs. This energy causes the muscles in the area to contract, which can lead to increased muscle mass and improved muscle tone over time.

How long does the treatment take?

The treatment typically takes around 30 minutes per session, and most patients require a series of treatments to achieve optimal results. The number of sessions needed depends on the patient’s individual goals and the areas being treated. I opted for a course of treatments for my tummy muscles and I had four sessions of half an hour each over a period of two weeks.

emsculpt at dermoperfectionWhat’s the treatment like?

The paddles are attached to your body with a belt.  So it’s quick and easy to set up.  Then the intensity is taken up to 40{90af24ee0c8b2ef579cdad993725641a0bcc8b6dba22687e081e6e20320a17a5}, the minimum needed for results.  Gradually it’s increased beyond as you get used to the feel of the treatment.  I started off in the 60-70{90af24ee0c8b2ef579cdad993725641a0bcc8b6dba22687e081e6e20320a17a5} intensity range.

There are three phases: pulses of activity, a sustained longer pulse and then the muscles are tapped to encourage lactic acid to disperse.  At 40{90af24ee0c8b2ef579cdad993725641a0bcc8b6dba22687e081e6e20320a17a5} it felt like I had a vibrating phone on my stomach, but the higher intensities are obviously stronger than that.  Obviously, you can have a say over the level of intensity you are comfortable with. I found my first session with an intensity of 65{90af24ee0c8b2ef579cdad993725641a0bcc8b6dba22687e081e6e20320a17a5} quite challenging.  It was a bit like being in early childbirth labour.  I had a contraction, which I breathed through and then there’s a pause.  I could really feel my muscles working.  As soon as the session is over and the paddles are removed, you are good to go on your way.  There’s no downtime.  What surprised me is that there was no discomfort afterwards.  If you step up your workout at the gym, you know about it a day or two later, but with EMSCULPT there was none of that.

I was expecting the second session to feel like the first, but my muscles had obviously responded to the challenge and whilst I could feel the pulses, it was easy.  In fact, I very nearly fell asleep during this session and I wished I’d gone for a higher intensity.  In later sessions, I chose to up the intensity and ended up at 85{90af24ee0c8b2ef579cdad993725641a0bcc8b6dba22687e081e6e20320a17a5}.  That level was fine for me as I’d worked up to it.

What were the results?

EMSCULPT claim their treatment leads to an increase of muscle mass of 16{90af24ee0c8b2ef579cdad993725641a0bcc8b6dba22687e081e6e20320a17a5} and a 19{90af24ee0c8b2ef579cdad993725641a0bcc8b6dba22687e081e6e20320a17a5} reduction in body fat.  Do I think I achieved this?  Yes I do and possibly a bit more.  My abdomen definitely has a more defined muscle tone.  I feel stronger when I do things that engage my core and it’s been obvious that I’m stronger in that area when I’m swimming.  The flab has reduced too.  I can fit into my clothes a bit better.  My waistline is trimmer and I can do up zips a lot easier on tighter fitting clothes.  I’ve had some compliments too about losing weight.  I haven’t actually lost weight, but I have toned and trimed my waist.

I also teamed this treatment up with a course EMSELLA for my pelvic floor muscles and that is a great combination to work on all your core muscles.

Would I have the treatment again in the future?

Yes absolutely.  I’ll definitely be going back for top up treatments to keep the results.  But, I’m also considering having a course of EMSCULPT for a different part of my body – I’m thinking my upper arms could benefit most or maybe my inner thighs.

Disclosure:  I was given a course of treatment for the purposes of this review.

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