The Visual Therapy Process & Why It Works

Visual Therapy has been in the styling business for over 25 years, and if there’s one thing we know to be true it’s that:

Chic personal style is achievable by all.

By following the styling and editing process we developed, your closet can and will become an inspiring zen space you can’t wait to visit each day. Plus, there’s no better time than the new year to start improving your style and editing and re-assessing your wardrobe.

With the tumultuous year we’ve all had, choosing to focus on personal style is the type of self-care we can all benefit from!

Whether you identify as classic, chic, bohemian, or a mixture of more than one style type, (we’d call that a style blender!) it’s always possible to improve on your look and become more intentional about your sartorial choices.

We asked our team of stylists to share what their favorite aspect of the VT Process is. Check out their insights below, and learn more about what we do by visiting our Instagram @visualtherapyny or emailing us at

VT Co-founder Jesse Garza

The editing and merchandising part of the process is it for me. When we edit a client’s wardrobe, we narrow it down to optimal looks only and carefully organize—with matching hangers, of course—by color and category.

Every piece of clothing has to fit properly and make you feel like the best version of yourself.

It’s just such a smart way to make your wardrobe feel fresh again, and it’s an absolutely essential step if you want to be able to shop your closet and accurately know what pieces you still need. The feeling of an edited and perfectly organized wardrobe is truly liberating!

Lead Stylist Lisa Marie McComb

My favorite part of the VT Process is pulling it all together. I love lining up new head to toe looks for my clients—it becomes kind of like their very own personal fashion show!

Every wardrobe presentation I curate is personalized to each individual client—it’s like entering a private, magical boutique catered specifically to them and their needs.

We try on looks and adjust organically as we go and as soon as I see their eyes light up, I know we’ve nailed it.

Lead Stylist Kellye Henton

Shopping is the part of the process that is most inspiring to me. It’s when my mind feels the most creative. Getting into the client’s head and challenging myself to wow them with my selections is the greatest feeling and motivator as a stylist. I leave no stone unturned when searching for the best of the best for my clients.

For me, it’s all about understanding the client and then bringing their vision to life through my eyes.

Lead Stylist Gabriela Rocha

Styling looks with new and old pieces is my absolute favorite part of the VT process. When I shop for a client, I keep certain things in mind—which colors and silhouettes look best on them, what designers they love, and which pieces in their current wardrobe still need their perfect match.

It’s so important to have a wardrobe you can mix and match. Not every piece will be the most versatile but the bulk of your wardrobe should be.

When shopping, I always try to think of 3 existing items in my wardrobe that will go with what I want to buy.

Lead Stylist Nikki Rose

The sum of all of the parts is what does it for me. The edit, the shopping, and the styling all in one.

I love to see the whole process come together and curating an optimal and versatile wardrobe that the client feels great in.

There’s nothing better than the feeling you get when each piece has its purpose, a place to be worn, and an outfit to be worn with!

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