The Gentleman’s Guide To All Things Style. » Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

We review Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

It’s no secret we here at, are huge fans of Spider-Man, and that we liked Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. So naturally we would be interested to seeing the sequel. If done right a sequel can truly be the film you really wanted to see, and this sequel is just that such sequel.

Unlike Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse, we start with a proper Spider-Gwen’s back story. At first this might seem a bit weird as it’s clear that this is a Miles Morales story, but this is done on purpose. Gwen’s story is a lead in to the new world we the audience are about to be entered into.


  • We all odds against him Miles actually out smarted all the other alternative Spider-Men.


  • The film ends just as it gets very interesting.
  • Not enough information about Miguel and his ability. 

Final Verdict: A more mature tone compared to this sequel and shows the growth of Miles. See in now, see it in IMAX, and purchase your tickets for the third film ASAP!

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